Tuesday, August 11, 2015

** Stop Living **

It ceases to live, when you don't have any illusions, or a purpose in life.
It ceases to live when only fleet in the events of the day, without having the ability or strength to face what we live here and now.
It ceases to live when you can already choose any way, because no one is good enough.
It has ceased to live, when scores of absurd any attempt, any action, fearing that it is similar to what we already is well known.
It has ceased to live, when it gives you one thing to another, because the result is always "SOLITUDE".
It has ceased to live, where more importance is given to remember what was done, rather than get to plan what still remains to be done, what lies ahead, even in the twilight of our lives.
It has ceased to live, where love, only seeks the comfort and satisfaction of its own, rather than be given urgent passion with courage and even learning to receive.
It has ceased to live, when you have lost all hope, when they don't work in the social, emotional and even sentimental, when we lack "the basic reason to continue living"
It's time to make sense reason to our lives, and so don't appear undead.


Hair: Tableau Vivant \\  Dreamy hair - Basics @ Collabor88 !! 

Mask: Nana - Riff Black Mask @ The Thrift Shop