Sunday, March 9, 2014

Don't be Afraid

of being alone, looking at you inside
and find in your silence.
Be afraid to be a loner, isolated from your brothers, suspicious, no friends and no communication.
Never be afraid to tell the truth or clearly express what you feel and say what you have seen or heard.
Rather fear fool yourself, autoconvencerte of lying or putting masks on your face.
Be yourself where you are, accepting others as they are.
Living with intensity and dynamism.
Break your walls and arise, and life will be for you a song and every day is a party ..


 Jacket: ::GB::Vintage denim jacket / Black TMD!

Pants: AMERIE M - Mesh skinny 02(Blue) TMD!

Hair: Action Mesh Hair Jimmy Veganic TMD!

Shoes: FLite.-Clearports Black Viper TMD!


Hands: Slink AvEnhance Hands Male - Relax